It's not a religion, but a relationship
It's not a Religion, but a relationship
What if....
What if... church didn't feel like an obligation?
What if... church meant you could talk and ask questions?
What if... church meant you could verbally process to help understand scripture?
What if... church looked different?
Sunday mornings at 9am
Come explore Church in the Round
Share your Thoughts | Authentic Connection
See God from a New Perspective
Build Relationships | Grow in Understanding

Our Story
Church in the round began at the cafe a year after covid. We saw the desire for people to connect in a new way. People can get a good sermon through so many online resources. But there was something missing. True connection, deeper relationships, valuable discussion, and the empathy and encouragement from others.
So we started gathering at a cafe around tables on Sunday mornings. We kept needing more tables. Eventually we moved to the basement of Royal Gorge Vineyard at 629 Harrison Avenue. It made sense to have our coffee where we had more space, and could add acoustic worship to the mix. So we gather at round tables to go through scripture, ask questions, make it personal, read and explore together.
Sure, some people want to go to a big church and slip in and slip out. But in a digital age full of surfacy, shallow relationships, we believe that God is drawing people to something more. Something like:
Church in the Round
Church in the Round now gathers on Sunday mornings at 9am
We gather in the basement at
629 Harrison Avenue. The one with the Silver Dome. There is a small set of stairs to go down. (a chair lift is available)
You are invited to come. We have regulars, we have visitors, we have long-time followers of Jesus, we have new believers and we have people that simply have a lot of questions about God. We are a learning and growing community.